Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A VERY long night!

I have been on the verge of tears all night feeling so bad for my little guy. He had a fever yesterday for most of the day that reached 102.3. It eventually went down, thank goodness! I gave him some baby Tylenol and rubbed some teething gel on his gums. I thought that would be sufficient enough to get him through the night. He however decided that sleep was not in the near future. He couldn't get comfortable, and just wanted to be held all night. He cried and cried until he started coughing so hard that he made himself throw up! It went all over his hands and arms and of course ended up in his hair. We had a nice 3:00am bath! He seemed to feel a little better and more calm after the bath, but still could not get comfortable enough to fall asleep. I have been awake with him all night, and it is now 7:30 am and he just fell asleep. I have to leave for work in 30 minutes and will have to wake him up, but for now a few minutes of peace and quiet before my day begins.

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry! I hope he is feeling better and you get some much needed rest! Teething is the worst!
