Friday, August 28, 2009

Long week...

This has been a long week. Chase has had a viral infection and has been suffering with a fever, and finally today he seems to be feeling mostly better. He has been waking up in the middle of the night crying (but still partially asleep) because he is teething and can't get comfortable. I have been suffering from a lack of sleep. I woke up this morning feeling happy that it's Friday, only to find that my car would not start. I had to get it towed for the second time in a month. Last time had to get the starter replaced and this time I think it's the alternator. Now I am stranded at home trying to find a way to get to work and feeling stressed out. Dear Friday, please stop sucking!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A VERY long night!

I have been on the verge of tears all night feeling so bad for my little guy. He had a fever yesterday for most of the day that reached 102.3. It eventually went down, thank goodness! I gave him some baby Tylenol and rubbed some teething gel on his gums. I thought that would be sufficient enough to get him through the night. He however decided that sleep was not in the near future. He couldn't get comfortable, and just wanted to be held all night. He cried and cried until he started coughing so hard that he made himself throw up! It went all over his hands and arms and of course ended up in his hair. We had a nice 3:00am bath! He seemed to feel a little better and more calm after the bath, but still could not get comfortable enough to fall asleep. I have been awake with him all night, and it is now 7:30 am and he just fell asleep. I have to leave for work in 30 minutes and will have to wake him up, but for now a few minutes of peace and quiet before my day begins.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Cupie Doll

I have heard from many people that my son looks like a Cupie Doll. I think I see the resemblance, what about you?

First Boat Ride

A friend of ours just bought a house on the lake and invited us over to go out on his boat. Chase got to watch his daddy wake board for the first time and he had a good time with the guys.

Kyle, Chase, Jason Ness, and Eddie Roberts

Chase looked pretty snug in this life jacket, but he didn't seem to mind.

Chase & Woody

Chase loves Woody... need I say more?

Friday, August 21, 2009


I usually don't like to wait so long to post a blog because then it turns in to one big blog, but I haven't had any time lately to do it. I finally have a chance today since I am sitting at home feeling sick after eating waaaaay too much Black Angus last night.

We have had a very busy summer, yet it feels like we haven't done much at all. Kyle was gone from May-July at the Academy and I barely got to see him. He finally graduated on July 31st and I was one very proud wife! He graduated 6th is his class, and received a Bulldog Award. Unfortunately his chief did not show up to present his badge, but he eventually received it at a firefighter association meeting the following week. After graduation he participated in a 2 week long search and rescue class and learned some great new skills. He even got to go repelling!

While Kyle was busy at the academy, Chase and I took a vacation to Utah with Kyle's family. I got to meet my new nephew Crew, and spend some much needed time relaxing (especially since I was sick the whole time).

We celebrated Dwaine's Birthday with a huge chocolate cake which we all picked at until it was gone!

Since it took us about 17 hours to drive to Utah, Kyle's mom was so nice to buy us a plane ticket home. Chase did great on his very first plane ride.

We have just been working like crazy, and trying to spend our free time together as a family. I can't wait for things to settle down and get back to normal, but really, what is normal anyways?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I have not had any time to blog about the recent happenings in our lives, but I will soon! I have a VERY mobile baby at the moment which makes is difficult, so the only time I could blog is when he is sleeping, but I'm usually at work when that happens! Blogs will be coming hopefully soon! I hope everyone is doing great and I love you all!