Wow it has been a while since I posted to our blog. For those of you who look on a daily basis (aahhemm... Molly Rogers) I am truly sorry for disappointing you. I will try harder, I promise! It has been a very crazy couple of months. Lets go over the highlights:
*Chase had his 1st birthday- My mom made the most adorable monkey cake, which he savored for about a half hour, while saying "Mmmmm, Mmmmm." I think he liked it! My in laws were so kind to let us use their house, seeing how ours is about the size of a shoe box! We had a great time with our family and close friends.

*Holidays- We seriously have the most thoughtful friends and neighbors! I don't think I have felt more blessed in my life. A beautiful holiday wreath left on my front door, an entire Thanksgiving dinner from our church family, a Christmas tree left on our front door step, an anonymous check we received in the mail, and some gifts from "Santa" that were also left on our door step, are all just a few of the blessings we received! Thank you to everyone!
*Walking- Chase started walking about a month ago, and hasn't stopped since :)
*EMT- Kyle finally received his EMT certification and has since started working part time at the fire station.
So there are a few things that have gone on over the past few months. We have been so busy working all the time, and trying to keep up with the fast paced lifestyle of a 1 year old. Hopefully things will slow down a little and we can take it all in and relax for at least 5 minutes.