I just thought I would post a few pictures that I have recently taken of Chase. I can't believe that he is going to be 2 in November! He is learning to much! He can already:
*Count to 20 (with a little help)
*Say all his alphabet letters and recognize every letter when pointed to.
*Link 3-4 words together to make sentences that we can understand.
*Sing lots of songs! (I think he's going to love music when he gets bigger).
*Brush his own teeth (with a little help sometimes)
His Favorites (at the moment):
*Show- Yo Gabba Gabba
*Food- Banana & Mac n' Cheese
*Stuffed animal- Monkey
*Toy- Balls (Any shape and size) - He likes to throw things... especially things he isn't supposed to throw.
He is such a smart boy! I love him more and more each day. We have been truly blessed :)